Shri Ramdeobaba Mandir |

is a local folk–deity of Rajasthan, who worked for the welfare of society irrespective of cast and creed. Muslims called him Pir and Hindus and other communities call him Baba. For Ram sa Pir, there is no difference between a Hindu or Muslim. He was a saint of the fourteenth century who devoted all his life to the uplift of the downtrodden.
Ramdevbaba believed in the equality of all human beings, both high and low, rich and poor. He helped the
down-trodden by granting them their wishes. Baba Ramdev is often depicted on horseback. His worship crosses the Hindu-Muslim divide as well as crossing the caste line since his followers include caste Hindus and the casteless
Meaning of Gayatree Mantra ::
OM = the protector;
BHOOR = who is the basis of the whole universe and who is self existent and;
BHUVAH = who is free from all pains and whose contact frees the soul from all troubles;
SWAH = exists in different forms in this universe and sustains all.
Tat = that very God;
Savitur = He is the creator and energizer of the whole universe;
Varenyam = worthy of acceptance, the most excellent;
Bhargo = pure and purifier.
Devasya = the giver of all happiness;
Dheemahi = let us embrace, so that;
Dhiyo = mind and thoughts.
Yo = God may;
Nah = our;
Prachodayat = direct;
The details of bank account and donations is as mentioned below :
- Bank Name : UCO Bank
- Account Number : 19310100000001
- Account name : Shri Ramdeo Baba Sarvajanik Samiti
- Branch address :Katol Road, Ramdeobaba Engg College Campus, Gittikhadan, Nagpur-440013
- IFSC Code : UCBA0001931
Please send Copy/receipt of donation on mandir@rknec.edu