Temple :: |
Ramdeojibaba is a local folk–deity of
Rajasthan, who worked for the welfare of society irrespective of cast and creed. Muslims called him Pir and Hindus and other communities call him Baba. For Ram sa
Pir, there is no difference between a Hindu or Muslim. He was a saint of the fifteenth century who devoted all his life to the uplift of the downtrodden.
Baba Ramdeoji was a Tanwar Rajput born in a village in Rajasthan called as Ranuja
- now Ramdevra. His father was Raja Ajmal Dev. Hindus regard him as an incarnation of Lord Krishna, while Muslims venerate him as Ramshah Pir. He is said to have had miraculous powers and his fame reached far and wide. Legend goes that five Pirs (saints) from Mecca came here to test his power and after being convinced, paid their homage to him. Since then he is venerated by Muslims also as Ram Shah Pir or Rama Peer. |
Ramdevbaba believed in the equality of all human beings, both high and low, rich and poor. He helped the down-trodden by granting them their wishes. Baba Ramdev is often depicted on horseback. His worship crosses the Hindu-Muslim divide as well as crossing the caste line since his followers include caste Hindus and the casteless
dalits. |

Ramdeobaba Temple |